Well, Christmas day and New Year have passed already, quickly as I knew they would. It was so nice to be home and enjoy family and the warm weather. The food was good too. It had been months since I had good Mexican food and good ol' In N Out. I would go out in the freezing cold and the snow right now to have a strawberry milkshake.
I have now reached the third and final trimester as of last week. Al and I get a kick out of watching the baby wobble all around in my belly from one side to the other. The nursery is slowly but surely coming along. That's the fun part. The unpleasant part is waking up with aches and pains and not having quite the energy I have had these past ten weeks.
As for her name, I think we have decided on Isabella. I wasn't too sure about this name as it is so common right now, but no other name seemed suitable for our little princess.
Cravings: Today, for the first time, I can say that I wish I had a strawberry milkshake.
Weight Gain: +16lbs- I thought I was doing good, but the doctor didn't think so at my last appt:(
Movement: Around the clock, especially after meals and when I wake up or go to sleep.
Maternity Clothes: Okay, I think it's about time that I either buy maternity or bigger sizes. I saw a nice dress, but it's difficult to find stuff.